Saturday, October 1, 2022

How to Know if Lipstick Is Expired

How to Know if Lipstick Is Expired

Every beauty lover has one type of makeup that they can’t get enough of. For many, this is lipstick. After all, who wouldn’t want to have the perfect shade of pink, red, or nude for every outfit? Unfortunately, a girl can only apply lipstick so many times a day. Realistically, using up an entire tube of lipstick can take years! That said, you’ve probably looked at your makeup collection and wondered whether that lipstick that’s been with you for a questionable amount of time is still safe to use.

Like most makeup products, lipsticks go bad after a certain amount of time has passed; over time, the ingredients will turn rancid and bacteria can contaminate the product, which is why makeup brands recommend you to follow the shelf life indicated on the packaging. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to lose track of makeup expiration dates. And even then, many of us insist on using makeup past its expiration date so long as they seem safe to use. But remember, lipsticks are applied to the mouth area where harmful substances or microorganisms can enter your system, so it’s doubly important to avoid using expired lip products, including lip gloss and lip balm.

How can you tell if lipstick is expired? There are a few ways to do this: you can check the expiration date or look for signs of expiration in the smell, texture, and appearance. Keep reading to learn more.

How to Check the Expiry Date of a Lipstick

How to Check the Expiry Date of a Lipstick

Most cosmetics have tiny symbols on the product label or packaging that tell you how long they will last after opening. To check the expiration of lipstick, look for an icon of a jar with an open lid on the bottom of the lipstick tube or box packaging. This is known as the PAO symbol or “period after opening” and it indicates how many months the lipstick is good for upon opening.

How Long Does Lipstick Last?

The shelf life can vary from brand to brand, but most lipsticks last for one to two years after opening. Lip gloss and liquid lipstick can last six months to one year. Unopened lipstick can last up to two to four years if stored properly.

Does Lipstick Expire if Unopened?

Does Lipstick Expire if Unopened?

Sealed and unopened lipsticks can last longer than opened products because they aren’t repeatedly exposed to bacteria, but they will still expire. Lipsticks are formulated with preservatives that help reduce the risk of bacterial growth and contamination. However, the ingredients in the lipstick will degrade over time. Moreover, unopened lipstick tubes that are stored in a hot and humid environment can go bad sooner because the heat and humidity can degrade the ingredients faster and encourage bacteria to grow.

How to Know if Lipstick Is Expired

It Smells Bad

One of the best ways to tell that lipstick has gone bad is by smelling it. Most lipsticks contain fragrances that give them a pleasant smell. But as they go bad, the fragrance turns into more of an unpleasant odor because the oils in the lipstick turn rancid after some time. Before you use an old lipstick, do a sniff test. If it smells the same as when you first opened it, the lipstick should be safe to use. If it has a bad smell, that’s a sign it’s gone off. Expired lipstick is known to smell like potato starch or wax. Once your lipstick starts to stink, it’s definitely time to toss it out.

There Are Moisture Beads

Moisture beads are a sign that your lipstick is expired.

As makeup products age, the ingredients in the formula can start to separate. For lipstick, this occurs when translucent beads of oil start to form on the surface. If your lipstick looks like it’s sweating, this is usually a sign of oil separation. Check the entire length of the lipstick bullet and the tube. If you find any moisture beads, your lipstick has likely gone bad and it’s time to throw it out.

The Color Has Changed

The color of lip products can change as they age. It’s normal for lipsticks to fade or darken over time, and this can occur evenly or unevenly throughout the bullet. You may notice a color difference between the base and tip of the lipstick or white spots that weren’t there previously. If only the tip is discolored, you can cut it off, though it’s generally recommended to replace your lipstick if you notice discoloration.

The Texture Feels Different

How to Know if Lipstick Is Expired

As the ingredients in the lipstick break down and separate, its texture can turn dry, gritty, clumpy, or even soggy. To check for textural changes, take a close look at the lipstick or swipe it on your wrist. If your lipstick doesn’t look or apply as smooth as it once did, it’s probably time to replace it.

It Feels Dry and Flaky

Your lipstick might not show any signs of expiration until you wear it. Expired lipstick feels dry or gritty on the lips. That said, it can be hard to distinguish whether a matte lipstick is expired because its formula naturally feels dry. So long as the lipstick produces a smooth and even lip color, it should still be good. But if it applies patchy or flaky, you should throw it out.

There’s Mold

One of the most obvious signs of expiration is the presence of mold.

One of the most obvious signs of expiration is the presence of mold. Lipstick that’s been left in a hot and humid place is likely to grow bacteria, which can then develop into a mold. Heat will melt the lipstick and break down its ingredients, while humidity can encourage the growth of bacteria. Once contaminated with mold, do not try to salvage the lipstick. Sanitizing the product with alcohol or cutting off the moldy parts will not make it safe to use. You should toss out the lipstick immediately.

What Happens When You Use Expired Lipstick?

Cream and liquid-based makeup products such as lipstick are more prone to microbial contamination; their moisture content, combined with the repeated exposure to bacteria, germs, and dirt from your lips and the air makes it the perfect breeding ground for bacteria to grow. The microorganisms will deteriorate the physical and chemical properties of the lipstick, leading to spoilage and contamination that can potentially be a health hazard. Using expired lipstick can cause skin irritation, inflammation, and infection in the mouth area.

How to Preserve Lipstick

How to Preserve Lipstick

If you want to make your lipstick last, there are a few tricks that can help prevent it from expiring quickly and prolong its life.

Store it Properly

Lipsticks should be stored in a cool and dry environment, away from direct sunlight. Do not leave it in hot or humid places like your car or bathroom.

Keep it Clean

Cleaning your lipstick after every use can minimize bacteria. Wipe the tip of the lipstick on a clean tissue and spray it with a bit of alcohol to keep it sanitized.

Don’t Reapply Lipstick After Eating

Applying any kind of lip product after eating can transfer the food particles from your lips to the product itself. Make sure to thoroughly wipe off any food on your lips and mouth area and, if possible, brush your teeth before reapplying lipstick.

Put It in the Refrigerator

Remember: heat and humidity are the enemies of lipstick. If you want to keep your lipstick fresh, store it on the top shelf of your refrigerator or your skincare fridge.


No matter if your lipstick was expensive or limited edition, using an expired product poses risks that simply aren’t worth sacrificing your health for. Avoid using lipsticks that are past their shelf life or show signs of expiration.


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