Friday, September 16, 2022

Is It Bad to Use Mascara Every Day?

Is It Bad to Use Mascara Every Day?

Of all the beauty products available on the market, mascara is definitely one of — if not the most essential. This beloved eye makeup has the ability to lengthen, thicken, and define the lashes, creating the appearance of bigger and brighter eyes.

On days when you can’t be bothered to apply a full face of makeup but still want to look put together, a few swipes of mascara can instantly elevate your appearance. That said, it’s easy to develop the habit of applying mascara everyday, to a point where you might feel “naked” leaving the house without coating your lashes. This begs the question: is it bad to use mascara everyday?

Does Mascara Damage Your Eyelashes?

Mascara contains ingredients such as petroleum, colorants, fragrance, and preservatives. Applying any chemical to your lashes can be irritating and weaken the hair because it’s not a naturally occurring substance. Though that’s not to say mascara is harmful solely due to the ingredients. More than anything, mascara can be damaging to your lashes during makeup removal or if left on for too long.

After a long day, you don’t always have the energy to do a meticulous cleansing routine. So instead, you grab a makeup remover wipe, rub your eyes, and call it a day. But if you’re not careful when removing your mascara, you might inadvertently pull out, strip, or damage your natural eyelashes. Moreover, certain formulas like waterproof mascara contain ingredients that can dry out your lashes. They’re also more difficult to remove than regular mascara and require some elbow grease to clean off.

What Happens if You Wear Mascara Everyday?

What Happens if You Wear Mascara Every Day?

Can daily mascara use damage your lashes? The answer is: it depends. Applying and removing mascara — not to mention using an eyelash curler — can involve a lot of pulling and tugging on your lashes and skin. Being too rough on your lashes may cause damage that, over time, can lead to thinning or fallout. Consequently, your lashes may become shorter, sparser, and less healthy. Additionally, some ingredients in mascara can be drying on your eyelashes, which will make them brittle and easier to break.

Daily mascara wear can also lead to buildup. If it’s not properly removed, the mascara debris can block your meibomian glands, which are the tiny oil glands that line your eyelashes. This can lead to eye irritation, eyelid inflammation, styes, viral infections, or meibomianitis. Some signs of infection include watery or dry eyes, a burning sensation in the eyes, blurred vision, and light sensitivity.

Although daily use of mascara can cause lash loss and irritation, practicing good application techniques and proper makeup removal can prevent these issues from happening.

How Often Should You Wear Mascara?

As long as you use a good formula and gently remove mascara before going to bed, it’s generally safe to wear mascara everyday. However, your lashes can benefit from taking a break from mascara every so often. Because your lashes aren’t being pulled, tugged on, or coated with mascara, they can go through their natural growth cycle without any interference. You will probably notice a significant change in the strength, density, and length of your lashes after a few days without mascara.

To keep your lashes healthy, take a five to seven-day break from mascara every two weeks. Experts say this will give your eyelashes enough time to recuperate and grow. But if you’re an avid mascara user who can’t leave the house without it, there are a few ways to ensure your lashes stay healthy when wearing mascara daily.

How to Use Mascara Everyday Without Damaging Your Eyelashes

How to Use Mascara Everyday Without Damaging Eyelashes

Use Mascara Primer

You don’t have to be a professional makeup artist to use mascara primer. If you love coating your lashes, investing in a good primer is a no-brainer. A mascara primer can enhance your favorite mascara by creating a base for smooth and even application, giving you additional length, volume, and curl. More than that, it helps protect your lashes by creating a layer between the mascara. Moreover, certain formulas contain ingredients like jojoba oil, vitamin E, and panthenol that help nourish, condition, and strengthen your lashes.

Choose the Right Formula

With tons of mascaras available on the market, it’s doubly important to check what ingredients are in them. Not all mascaras are created equal; some may contain unregulated or harmful chemicals that can cause side effects or reactions around the eye area. Always go for an ophthalmologically-tested mascara from established makeup brands. If you plan to wear mascara everyday, save the waterproof formula for special occasions when you really need it, as this can dry out your eyelashes.

Check the Expiry Date

Compared to other makeup products, mascaras have a shorter shelf life of three to six months. This is due to the sensitive nature of the eye area, as well as its liquid formula. The eyes naturally harbor bacteria that the wand applicator can pick up when it comes into close contact. The applicator is then placed back inside the dark and moist tube, which is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Old mascara contains a ton of bacteria that can cause eye irritation and infection. If you’re not sure about the expiry date, check for signs that your mascara is expired.

Be Gentle When Removing Mascara

Improper mascara removal can be more damaging to your lashes than the mascara itself. To ensure that your lashes stay healthy, take the time and effort to gently remove mascara every night before going to bed. A gentle cleanser like micellar water can help break down the mascara and make it easier to wash off. For waterproof mascara, opt for an oil-based eye makeup remover. Most importantly, avoid rubbing your eyes!

Remove Mascara Before Bed

In the same way that wearing makeup all the time is unhealthy for your skin, wearing mascara for prolonged periods of time can be detrimental to your lashes. Multiple mascara coats cover and weigh down your lashes. To maintain the health of your eyelashes, make it a habit to remove mascara (and any eye makeup for that matter) prior to bedtime. This will give your lashes time to rest between mascara applications.

Moisturize Your Lashes

Too much mascara can dry out your lashes. If conditioning is an essential part of hair care, don’t neglect your lashes because they need moisture too! There are a variety of nourishing lash products available on the market. For daily mascara users, invest in a conditioning lash serum. Alternatively, you can use common skincare items like castor oil, coconut oil, and petroleum jelly. Apply it to your lashes before going to bed so they can moisturize overnight.

Don’t Rub Your Eyes

Last and most importantly, avoid rubbing your eyes! This is one of the biggest causes of lash damage. Not to mention the pulling and tugging of the skin around your eyes can hasten the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.


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