Friday, September 23, 2022

How to Put Mascara on Bottom Lashes

How to Put Mascara on Bottom Lashes

If there’s one beauty product most of us can’t leave the house without, it’s got to be mascara. On days when we can’t be bothered to do a full face of makeup, a quick swipe of mascara can lengthen, thicken, and darken our lashes, creating the appearance of bigger and brighter eyes. Its ability instantly elevate our appearance is what makes it essential for any makeup kit.

Considering how popular mascara is, you can just imagine how many different application techniques there are — everyone and their favorite makeup artist seem to have their own unique way of applying mascara, whether that’s wiggling the wand from side to side, blinking as you coat your lashes, or doing both simultaneously. But one thing we often neglect is the bottom lashes, which are equally deserving of our love and attention. While it’s not necessary, coating the lower lashes with mascara prevents the eyes from looking top-heavy and helps balance out the look. That said, they’re typically smaller and sparser than the upper lashes, so applying mascara to the lower lashes requires a different kind of finesse.

If you want to learn how to put mascara on bottom lashes like a pro, keep reading for 10 essential tips and tricks.

Choose the Right Mascara

Choose the Right Mascara Formula

Whatever mascara you use on your upper lashes will work on your lower lashes. However, the lower lashes fall downwards and are closer to the under-eye skin, so regular formulas are more prone to smudging, flaking, and leaving dark circles under the eyes. To minimize these issues, always use waterproof mascara for your bottom lashes.

Use a Lash Primer

Removing mascara from the under-eye area can be a pain, especially if you’ve already applied concealer. Applying a lash primer gives more grip that can prevent mascara from flaking and smearing onto your under-eye concealer. Moreover, it can increase the length and volume of your mascara, which is a great bonus for those with short and sparse eyelashes.

Start With the Bottom Lashes

Start With the Bottom Lashes

Many makeup tutorials will tell you to apply mascara to the upper lash line before working on the lower lashes. Though it’s not wrong per se, doing so can cause the mascara to transfer onto your eyelids and effectively ruin your eyeshadow. While you can obviously just wait for the mascara to dry, coating the lower lash line first will allow you to do your upper lashes without any risk of smudging.

Apply Mascara to the Roots

It’s common practice to coat your upper lashes from root to tip, but you should avoid doing this on your bottom lashes. Why? Because doing so can lengthen and weigh down your lashes, causing them to touch and smudge all over the under-eye area. If you have long bottom lashes, this is even more likely to happen. When applying mascara to the lower lash line, make sure to concentrate the product on the roots and keep the ends natural.

Hold Your Wand Vertically

The bottom lashes can be difficult to reach, especially if they’re on the shorter side. Instead of holding the mascara wand horizontally, as you would when applying mascara to your upper lashes, hold it vertically and use the tip of the brush to coat your lower lashes. Keep in mind, this might be more difficult to do with certain types of mascara brushes and formulas. For example, volumizing mascara usually comes with a fluffy fiber brush, and the tips tend to clump more easily. Opt for a comb mascara wand with longer bristles that separate the individual lashes.

Invest in a Lower Lash Mascara

Invest in a Lower Lash Mascara

A bottom lash mascara might sound a little extra, but this eye makeup was specifically designed to make your life easier. It has a thinner and smaller mascara brush that can easily maneuver through hard-to-reach areas, such as the inner and outer corners of the eye. Moreover, they usually have a waterproof formula to prevent smudges — and the dreaded raccoon eyes look.

Swipe From Side to Side

You’re more likely to get smudges on your under-eye area if you apply mascara downwards. Instead, start from the base of your lower lash line and wiggle the mascara brush from side to side in a zig-zag motion. This will coat your bottom lashes without making a mess.

Cover Your Under-Eye Skin

Because the lower lashes fall downwards and are so close to the skin, the likelihood of smudging is quite high. The best way to prevent this is to cover your under-eye area and cheeks with a tissue. A spoon is a great option because it can shield your skin and also help lift your lower lashes.

Separate Your Lashes With a Lash Comb

Separate Your Lashes With a Lash Comb

Some types of mascaras are more prone to clumping. Unfortunately, because the lower lashes are finer and sparser than the upper lashes, clumps tend to be more noticeable on the lower lash line. You can easily fix clumpy mascara by using a lash comb or spoolie to brush out any clumps. This also helps separate your lashes, making them appear fuller.

Clean Mistakes With a Cotton Swab

When it comes to mascara, smudges are inevitable. If you get any spots or streaks under your eye, you can clean them up with a cotton swab. Apply a drop of makeup remover onto the cotton tip and gently twist it over the spot to remove the excess mascara from your skin.


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